Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Future Perfect Tense in Italian

â€Å"In two years, I will have learned Italian.† How do you express a sentence like that in Italian? You use a tense called il futuro anteriore, or the future perfect tense in English. You’ll notice that it looks similar to the il futuro semplice, the simple future tense, but has an extra addition. Here’s what that sentence above will look like: Fra due anni, sarà ² riuscito/a ad imparare l’italiano. If you’re familiar with the future tense, you’ll notice the â€Å"sarà ²Ã¢â‚¬ , which is the first person conjugation of the verb â€Å"essere - to be†. Immediately after, you’ll see another verb â€Å"riuscire - to succeed at/to be able to† in a past participle form. (If you’re not sure a past participle is, take a look at this article. It’s basically just the form a verb changes to when you need to talk about something that happened in the past. Other examples you might recognize are â€Å"mangiato† for the verb â€Å"mangiare† and â€Å"vissuto† for the verb â€Å"vivere†.) I’ll give you a few examples first and then we’ll break down how you can start forming and using the futuro anteriore. Esempi Alle sette avremo già   mangiato. - By seven well already have eaten.Noi avremo parlato al padre di Anna. - We will already have spoken to Annas father.Marco non à ¨ venuto alla festa, sarà   stato molto impegnato. - Marco didn’t come to the party, he must have been very busy. When to Use It Typically you’ll use this verb tense when you’re talking about an action in the future (like you having already eaten) before something else happens (like it being 7 PM). You can also use it when you’re unsure about something that’s happening in the future or that happened in the past, like you thinking that the reason Marco didn’t come to the party was because he was busy. In this case, other words that you could use instead of forming the futuro anteriore would be â€Å"forse - maybe†, â€Å"magari - maybe† or â€Å"probabilmente - probably†. How to Form the Futuro Anteriore As you saw above, the futuro anteriore is created when you combine a future tense conjugation (like sarà ²) with a past participle (like riuscito), which makes it a compound tense. To be more specific though (and easier on you), there are only two verbs that you can use in the future tense conjugation spot, and they are the auxiliary verbs avere or essere. Take a look at the two tables below that show you the future tense conjugations for the verbs â€Å"essere - to be† and â€Å"avere - to have†. Essere - To Be Sar - I will be Saremo - We will be Sarai - You will be Sarete - You all will be Sar - He/she/it will be Saranno - They will be Avere - To Have Avr - I will have Avremo - We will have Avrai - You will have Avrete - You all will have Avr - He/she/it will have Avranno - They will have How Do You Choose Between â€Å"Essere† and â€Å"Avere†?| When you’re deciding which auxiliary verb to use -- either â€Å"essere† or â€Å"avere† -- you use the same logic as you would when you’re choosing â€Å"essere† or â€Å"avere† with the passato prossimo tense. So, as a quick reminder, reflexive verbs, like sedersi - to sit oneself, and most verbs that are related to mobility, like â€Å"andare - to go†, â€Å"uscire - to go out†, or â€Å"partire - to leave†, will be paired with â€Å"essere†. Most other verbs, like â€Å"mangiare - to eat†, â€Å"usare - to use†, and â€Å"vedere - to look†, will be paired with â€Å"avere†. Andare - To Go Sar andato/a - I will have gone Saremo andati/e - We will have gone Sarai andato/a - You will have gone Sarete andati/e - You (all) will have gone Sar andato/a - He/she/it will have gone Saranno andati/e - They will have gone Mangiare - To Eat Avr mangiato - I will have eaten Avremo mangiato - We will have eaten Avrai mangiato - You will have eaten Avrete mangiato - You (all) will have eaten Avr mangiato - He/she/it will have eaten Avranno mangiato - They will have eaten Esempi Quando avrà ² finito questo piatto, verrà ² da te. - When I will have finished this dish, I will go to your place.Sarai stata felicissima quando hai ottenuto la promozione! - You must have been/I imagine you were happy when you got the promotion!Appena avrà ² guardato questo film, te lo darà ². - As soon as I have watched this movie, I will give it to you.Riuscirai a parlare l’italiano fluentemente quando avrai fatto molta pratica. - You will succeed at speaking Italian fluently when you will have practiced it a lot.Appena ci saremo sposati, compreremo una casa. - As soon as we are married, we will buy a house.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Protestant Revolution - 1335 Words

The Protestant Revolution was a challenge to the Renaissance because it followed classical sources in the glorification of human nature and loyalty to traditional religion, being impressed more with human potential of doing evil over good. --Second decade of the sixteenth century; conflict existed during this time from emerging nation-states of Europe --Saxony, Germany (spread through N Europe quickly) --The members were literate and sophisticated about the world in a rapidly growing industry that was economically ambitious, they had an economic stake in fanning religious conflict with Protestant propaganda --Local/distant authority ‘bullying or pushing around’ people resulted in a Protestant sermon/pamphlet seeming directly relevant --Descent of teaching and spiritual practice of church in order to seek a more heartfelt, idealistic and heretical religious piety. Resulted from increased knowledge of the world and those controlling their lives, increased travelling, new postal systems information further at their disposal --Religious simplicity in imitation of Jesus, more egalitarian and spiritual church (members and head of church have voice), living manifestly according to its New Testament Brothers fostered religious life outside formal ecclesiastical offices and religious vows, spreading rapidly throughout North and some of South Europe. Clerics and laity shared a common life around individual piety and practical religion without abandoning their ordinary secularShow MoreRelated The Influence of the Protestant Religion on the American Revolution2775 Words   |  12 Pages The origins, aims and course of the American Revolution were influenced by a number of factors. The causes of the American Revolution have been put down to economic, social and political factors, which have then continued to influence the course and finally the outcome of Americas conflict with Britain. Economic factors concerning trade and slavery have been put down to being part of the cause of the American Revolution. Yet historians have often debated the influenceRead MoreHumanism and the Renaissance + Protestant Reformation = Scientific Revolution3038 Words   |  13 PagesHumanism and the Renaissance + Protestant Reformation = Scientific Revolution Kelly McCabe CCM Summer Session III Professor Pilant Term Paper CCM Summer Session III 2012 Early Modern European History Term Paper The later Middle Ages is characterized as a time of great transition and advancement, especially pertaining to areas of politics, economics, art and intellect. A new trend towards the pursuit of new knowledgeRead More1.A) Columbus discovery on this new world impacted the natives who lived there and also the old700 Words   |  3 Pagesto take over the land and create their own. Additionally, the Protestant Revolution hastened Europeans fascinate on the new world. They saw not only a gain for preaching but also an implication to invest in their work back home. The Protestant Revolution prompted many Europeans to move to the new world. Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries along with the protestant reforms, these developments led to the Protestant Revolution, developments led to strict traditional families and focused onRead MoreThe Reformation Of The 16th Century862 Words   |  4 Pages One of the most significant religious revolution of the 16th century was the Reformation. Martin Luther protested the doctrine of the church such as – indulgence could help ordinary people pay for their sins and that church was the only way to attain salvation. 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These events  eventually led to the overthrow of Catholic King James II and the ascension (of William III and Mary II) to the English throne. These events also produced a significant shift in the relationship between the monarchy and parliament. This paper will discuss the overthrow of King James II, the  rebellion and revolt and  the consequences as well as the global effects  of the Revolution in order toRead MoreThe Protestant Reformation And The Reformation916 Words   |   4 PagesThe Protestant Reformation took place in the 16th century and was a major European movement whose goal was to reform the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. This movement led to people worshipping God as they wanted and no longer relying on the Catholic Church for guidance with religious matters. Even though people were doing what they believed, the Protestant Reformation brought many conflicts. Religious disagreements caused bloody conflicts all over Europe. The principal figureRead MoreEnlightened Philosophers (John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Jean Jacques Rousseau)1495 Words   |  6 Pagesduring those times. During the Protestant Reformation, times were also different and his opinion may have altered again. Locke may have not cared about the people as much because he was too busy criticizing the government/ churches. The Protestant Reformation was a time where people were very critical of the churches because they abused their power which i s one of Lockes philosophies; people want to be protected by the government, not abused. During the Scientific Revolution, however, people were bigRead MoreThe Decline Of The Protestant Reformation1276 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: The Protestant Reformation was a religious act in the 1500’s that split the Christian Church in Western Europe and led to the establishment of many new churches. It effected spiritual thought, philosophy, political work, and the economies of several countries all around the world. The effects of the Reformation can still be felt in modern times. Stimulated by a devout and renowned German Monk, Martin Luther, this reformation sent shockwaves throughout Europe and played a significantRead MoreWhat Were the Causes and Consequences of the Scientific Revolution and How Did It Change the World from 1500 - 1800?1611 Words   |  7 PagesThe Scientific Revolution was an important time in history, but it was by no means sudden. The catalyst of the Revolution were a while in the making with writings and philosophies from Ancient Greece and Rome inspiring people and was a long process of gradual of upheaval, up until the Enlightenment. This essay will examine the various, but not inexha ustible, causes that may have contributed to the Scientific Revolution; the teaching and philosophies of Aristotle, Ptolemy and Descartes, The Renaissance

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Poetry Comparision Coming Home Essay Example For Students

Poetry Comparision Coming Home Essay I have been studying two poems Coming Home by Curtis Bennet and The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy.  The theme of both poems is war and death. The most obvious example of this is in The Man He Killed: quaint and curious war is. However in Coming Home the theme is not directly referred to. Instead phrases such as final military formation and who sent them to fight are used. My first impression is that Coming Home is more sensitive than The Man He Killed because I believe that the poet is trying to give a shred of dignity to the dead young boys and girls who needlessly perished by not mentioning the way in which they were killed. On the other hand, The Man He Killed is more abrasive which is particularly illustrated when you hear the rhyming as it makes the poem seem immature and vulgar. The Man He Killed is written in complete contrast to Coming Home, not only because of the tone but also because of the person who would tell you the poem. The Man He Killed is written from the point of view of somebody who has been to war and experienced the feeling of killing a man. However, Coming Home seems to be written by an observer of war, someone who watches it happen but can not do anything to prevent the losses. This characterisation is ironic as Thomas Hardy, from what we know, didnt go to war. On the other hand Curtis Bennet is a war veteran and is aware of the horrors of war. I think that it is for this reason that, although Coming Home is written by an onlooker, it has more provocative language and forces the reader to consider the deeper implications of war. This continues to show throughout the poem as the poets thoughts become more apparent. The emotions are very clear, especially when he says the politicians who killed them which is bitter and shows contempt for the people who created this war. Also he speaks abut the families of the young boys and girls which can create an image of regret and blinding pain for losing a child. This can be linked with the gray steel womb to create a feeling of innocence as they were only babies in the poets eyes. The word womb suggests that they were torn away from their mothers because the womb is supposed to be a safe haven for a child and the fact that they are no longer alive suggests that they should have been protected for a little while longer. Steel could represent the families trying to block out the pain; theyre attempting to distance themselves from being human and become unresponsive and hard like metal. This is a slight similarity to the man he killed in The Man He Killed he has no feeling and no identity. At the same time, its a contrast because we regret the deaths of the youthful people yet we hardly spare a second thought for the soldier that was killed by Thomas Hardy. The themes of the poems vary vastly. In Coming Home, there are several different tones which change as the poem progresses: drape and caress the dull pewter boxes could be spoken in a hopeless tone as the flags are trying to comfort the pewter boxes which encase the broken ashen remains but it is too late and the comfort that they needed when they were alive wasnt there. This then becomes bitter and contemptuous when he lays the blame on the politicians who killed them. .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 , .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .postImageUrl , .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 , .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906:hover , .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906:visited , .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906:active { border:0!important; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906:active , .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906 .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc838d912baf9648ff896d13330e1b906:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Compare and contrast the way Seamus Heaney and D H Lawrence EssayThe final tone of the poem is peace when so quietly they lie, so well they sleep. I think that Bennet was conveying his own emotions of fighting in a war into the tone of the poem, meaning that the changes of tone tell the story of the soldiers emotions as they went to war: they felt hopeless when they discovered they were called up, angry as they were fighting and their final emotion was peace when they died. The tone of The Man He Killed is an utter contrast. They are very childish tones to begin with. The first two stanzas come across as sarcastic and immature, especially in the lines staring face to face killed him in his place. The fact that he could someone in the eye as the killed them could represent tat hes unable to recognise the moral right and wrong. On the other hand, it could be intended to mean that he was mature enough to offer his enemy some dignity in death which would change the meaning of the poem completely. However the use of rhyming makes war sound like a game, so I think that Thomas Hardy intended the tone to be the former. There are similarities in the tone of the poems: they have a reference to children and their emotions. As the poem continues I think that the tone becomes uncertain and slightly ashamed like the poet is growing up and realising his mistakes. This is shown by because - as the - could represent that he has been thinking about the murder and because shows that he needs clarification that it was alright to commit such an act. The line no other reason why changed my opinion of the poem as it is as though he stopped to justify his actions. I think that the poet is recognising that his action were wrong.  The language of Coming Home is more descriptive and thought provoking as is demonstrated by broken, ashen, hallowed remains. On the opposite end of the spectrum is the simple, colloquial language that Thomas Hardy has opted to use, but which is equally effective in getting his message across. The title Coming Home could signify relief, happiness. However by writing the first line as gray, steel womb of cargo space, it is almost an oxymoron. I think of families being reunited when I hear Coming Home is associated with war so the first line is a shock as grey and steel make the reunion thought seem very impersonal and without colour and happiness. Also, cargo represents that it is not people that are returning but things, objects. I believe that Curtis Bennet intended the first line to be a pre-empt to the disturbingly thought-provoking language in the remainder of the poem. It could also represent the expectations of the soldiers families whore looking forward to them returning and then the indescribable shock of learning that theyll only be returning for their funeral. Bennett capitalises on the fact that there always seems to be conflict in the world. Final military formation and in rank and file can both suggest hat the same thing even in death, the war is ever present. I think that by using the word final with formation Bennet is trying to say that once they are involved in war theres no escape and its as if the deaths of the soldiers wasnt enough to satisfy the hunger of war and so it is keeping them tied to it forever. Bennett also uses enjambment: whine and close tight Sealing the precious cargo inside. By the use of this Bennet could be suggesting that, although there are gaps and brief interludes, it continues indefinitely. .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 , .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .postImageUrl , .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 , .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92:hover , .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92:visited , .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92:active { border:0!important; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92:active , .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92 .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue6954c4cfe209290aa276b54e7a98f92:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: An Inspector Calls EssayHardy also uses this technique although it is not as effective because there are no other references to continuous war in the poem. Instead it contributes to the colloquial, narrative feel of The Man He Killed. All of these phrases can be pulled together to suggest that war is an endless reoccurrence which wont be stopped. It injects hopelessness into you as it means that people will continue to die. I think that it is the simplest phrases that have the most effect: once again is incredibly simple but, in this context, incredibly effective as it implies that the plane has made this journey carrying home soldiers more than once.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Nuclear Fusion Essays - Chemistry, Nuclear Physics, Nature

Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Fusion is the energy-producing process which takes place continuously in the sun and stars. In the core of the sun at temperatures of 10-15 million degrees Celsius, Hydrogen is converted to Helium providing enough energy for us to sustain life on earth. For energy production on earth, different fusion reactions are involved. The most suitable reaction occurs between the nuclei of the two light forms (isotopes) of Hydrogen - Deuterium and Tritium; eventually reactions involving just Deuterium or Deuterium and Helium may be used. A brief breakdown of the fuels used are as follows, Deuterium is a very abundant isotope of hydrogen and can be extracted from all forms of water, Tritium is not as abundant and is not a natural isotope, instead a machine is needed to extract it from lithium. Lithium, which is the lightest of all metals is plentiful on the earths crust, there is so much on the crust that right now they say there is enough to provide the planet with over a thousand years of electricity. Fusion power offers the potential of an almost limitless source of energy for future generations but it also presents some formidable scientific and engineering challenges. It is called 'fusion' because it is based on fusing light nuclei such as hydrogen isotopes to release energy. Effective energy-producing fusions require that gas from a combination of isotopes of hydrogen - deuterium and tritium - is heated to very high temperatures (100 million degrees centigrade) and confined for at least one second. One way to achieve these conditions is to use magnetic confinement. The Colliding Beam Fusion Reactor is a magnetic confinement system that avoids the typical anomalous transport (refers to all processes in which loss of particles or energy takes place - it is due to a variety of instabilities that lead to turbulence). The reactor is compact with good accessibility and low maintenance costs. Most of the technologies needed to evaluate this concept exist, or could become available with simple engineering modifications to existing technologies. Some of the advantages of using fusion as a source of energy are, that the fuels are plentiful, and will last for years, very safe to people because any malfunction results in immediate shutdown, also, there is no atmospheric pollution which can lead to harmful things such as acid rain or the greenhouse effect, and finally there is no need for disposal of materials. An example of just how much power this procedure produces is that, with 10 grams of Deuterium, which can be extracted from 500 liters of water, and 15g of Tritium, produced from 30g of Lithium would produce enough fuel for the lifetime electricity needs of an average person in an industrialized country. In closing I would like to add my personal opinion about nuclear fusion, I feel that it is an excellent source of energy for our planet to have, and although it is not available for home use as of yet, you can expect to have this great power source in your home within the next 25 years.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Linnaeus and Cuvier essays

Linnaeus and Cuvier essays Carl Linnaeus was a scientific mastermind, still driven by his religious beliefs but intelligent enough not to let them stand in the way of what his findings were showing. Linnaeus was a botanist, a physician, and most importantly the founder of taxonomy. Throughout the course of his life he would change many aspects of the current classification system, and his dedicated work is still used today and considered the foundation of modern classification. Linnaeus realized that species of organisms were real entities, which could be grouped into higher categories of genera. He furthered this innovation by grouping genera into higher taxa that were also based on shared similarities. In his original system, Linnaeus grouped genera into orders, orders into classes, and classes into kingdoms, but later biologists added additional ranks to express additional levels of similarity. The need for a workable naming system at this time was made even greater by the huge number of plants and animals that were being brought back to Europe during world wide exploration travels. To simplify this, Linnaeus designed one Latin name to indicate the genus, and one as a shorthand name for the species. It is the combination of these two names that was to make up the binomial species name. Carl Linnaeus was the father of modern plant and animal classification. He did not invent binomials, but he was the first to use it consistently and provided a concise, useable survey of all the worlds plants and animals at that time. What has survived of his system is a method of hierarchical classification and binomial nomenclature. Linnaeus gave classification consistency and precision and his Systema Naturae (Tenth Edition 1978) has been accepted by international agreement as the official starting point for zoological nomenclature. His impact will be felt forever within the biological sciences. Georges Cuvier possessed one of the...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on My Reading Experience

My Reading History Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I am glad I have this wonderful skill. Reading has been one of my favorite hobbies ever since I was little. Before I could read on my own my mom and dad would read to me. They say I always wanted a new and entertaining book read to me In the morning before getting on the bus to go to school, my mom would read books to my siblings and me. I remember her reading Charlotte’s Web and The Trumpet and the Swan. We read in the living room, on the couch, or in our bedrooms. Before bed at night we said our prayers after reading the Bible and Bible stories. When I first started to read, I read Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss all by myself. I was so proud of myself. My favorite kind of books then was the Bernstein Bears and the Muppets. Listening and following along some books with a tape player always has made reading more eventful too. My books kept me busy on the way to my siblings events. I had a Talk to Me Player with books. I also remember going to story hour at the Jordan Library. Every year in grade school I asked our librarian what books would be good to read. I would always got a long list that I never completed by the end of the school year. I went to the bookstore to buy those books and would end up buying too many as my mom recalls. I could never decide on the books that I wanted to buy. My favorite books in grade school were Ramona and the American Girl Collection series. My Aunt Kim Fairchild, who also taught school, influenced me as well. She brought me books from schools that were not being used. I still receive books and tapes from her during Christmas. As I have gotten older my reading tastes have changed a little. From graphic mysteries to all the magazines I subscribe to, reading has always been a great experience for me. Even those dreaded books in school usually turn out to be better than expected. I have my strengths and weaknesse... Free Essays on My Reading Experience Free Essays on My Reading Experience My Reading History Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I am glad I have this wonderful skill. Reading has been one of my favorite hobbies ever since I was little. Before I could read on my own my mom and dad would read to me. They say I always wanted a new and entertaining book read to me In the morning before getting on the bus to go to school, my mom would read books to my siblings and me. I remember her reading Charlotte’s Web and The Trumpet and the Swan. We read in the living room, on the couch, or in our bedrooms. Before bed at night we said our prayers after reading the Bible and Bible stories. When I first started to read, I read Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss all by myself. I was so proud of myself. My favorite kind of books then was the Bernstein Bears and the Muppets. Listening and following along some books with a tape player always has made reading more eventful too. My books kept me busy on the way to my siblings events. I had a Talk to Me Player with books. I also remember going to story hour at the Jordan Library. Every year in grade school I asked our librarian what books would be good to read. I would always got a long list that I never completed by the end of the school year. I went to the bookstore to buy those books and would end up buying too many as my mom recalls. I could never decide on the books that I wanted to buy. My favorite books in grade school were Ramona and the American Girl Collection series. My Aunt Kim Fairchild, who also taught school, influenced me as well. She brought me books from schools that were not being used. I still receive books and tapes from her during Christmas. As I have gotten older my reading tastes have changed a little. From graphic mysteries to all the magazines I subscribe to, reading has always been a great experience for me. Even those dreaded books in school usually turn out to be better than expected. I have my strengths and weaknesse...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Symbolic Use of Nature and Wildlife Imagery in Tortilla Curtain Essay

Symbolic Use of Nature and Wildlife Imagery in Tortilla Curtain - Essay Example Coyotes and Other Animals Dominant symbols of wildlife and the environment are inherent right through the book. The symbol of the coyote to be precise is high-flying as is connected to the immigrants of Mexico. Delaney portrays these extremes very notably in the "Pilgrim at Topanga Canyon" article featured in the book, but they are common figures in the entire narrative, such as in the manner that the coyotes level the Mossbacher’s hedge to hound the dogs. This can be attributes to the fact that the Mexican immigrants trounced the obstacles at the border in an endeavor of making both ends meet in the United States of America. Delaney has a thing for coyotes, something that is corresponding to other residents in his community, shows his attraction with wildlife, outgoing nature of the immigrants. On one hand, the hated immigrants pose a measure of fright to other residents; on the other hand they are interesting and are always talked about by other residents. They are even cont racted to do all forms of work. In the same context as residents in the area go to the extent of even putting out foodstuffs for the coyotes, they also attend the work exchange to take the services of these illegitimate immigrants that they hate dearly for exceptionally low salaries. This is reference to Jim Shirley’s action of employing America. He brought her to the house, touched her in an unceremonious manner, while on the contrary, he spreads tales of the unlawful, evil and terrific crimes that transpire at these immigrants hands. Different animals are mentioned and appeared in the book holding relevant and symbolic meanings just like the coyote. For instance, there are many instances that replies like horned lizards, animals that when threatened fire blood out of their eyes, are associated with people like Jack Jardine and Jack Cherrystone. A more stressing factor is the manner that Delaney and Kyra are so involved into these animals. Kyra is tempered when she sees a do g being caged in the blazing heat. It was Delaney’s task was writing about the animals he saw. This interest explains further, the attraction that the Mossbachers and other White Americans with the wilderness and other untamed animals. The making of factual walls is not an unknown subject in the novel. Just from the beginning, hullaballoo is raised concerning the construction of the first gate and the n Arroyo Blanco’s wall. The whole novel then revolves on the aspect of the immigrants getting over the â€Å"wall† of the border separating Mexico and the United States. The factual wall appears in a number of incidents in the story. The coyotes must jump over the Mossbachers’ fence for them to get hold of the dogs. They are able to accomplish this with technique and cunningness just like the manner in which the immigrants went over the wall at the border. The canyon wall is also an important one that segregates Candido and America from protection and well-b eing of the white Americans and their lifestyle. The wall is used to resist interaction between the two diverse cultures. In the novel, it is exceptionally rare to come by a conversation between the two asides. Just from childhood, Candido had been raised knowing to build a â€Å"wall† between other people and himself when things have hit the rocks. The walls have a number of tasks to serve: